Tentang Institut Jantung Negara
Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) adalah rumah sakit di Kuala Lumpur yang telah berdiri sejak 1992. Rumah sakit yang fokus menangani kasus jantung di Malaysia ini memiliki 50 dokter spesialis jantung dan bedah jantung senior yang rata-rata bisa berbahasa Indonesia/Melayu. Pusat keunggulannya terdiri dari jantung anak, jantung dewasa, dan bedah jantung.
Lokasi rumah sakit pun sangat strategis karena berada di jantung Kota Kuala Lumpur, tepatnya di Jalan Tun Razak. Di sekitar rumah sakit juga terdapat banyak tempat makan dan penginapan untuk pasien rawat jalan atau keluarga pasien.
Biaya Konsul: RM100 – RM300
Biaya Medical Check-Up: RM750
Cek informasi Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) di DokterSehat. Pasien bisa mendapatkan informasi kisaran tarif rawat inap hingga biaya konsultasi dokter. Selain itu, bisa juga melakukan booking online rumah sakit untuk buat janji dokter.
Fasilitas Medis Institut Jantung Negara

Fasilitas Umum Institut Jantung Negara

Tarif Kamar Rawat Inap Institut Jantung Negara

Berlian Suites

• Daily newspaper
• Complimentary admission gift set
• Separate lounge for family members and guests
• Sofa-bed for accompanying person
• 2 sets of 32-inch flat screen cable TV with remote control (multi-lingual programmes, including English, Malay and Chinese)
• Microwave oven
• Mini fridge
• Telephone. On this phone you are able to make: Calls within the hospital, local calls (for a fee) and long distance calls (for a fee).
• Personal nurse call system
• Electronically adjustable bed
• Bathroom with hot water heater
• Free WiFi service

Zamrud Suites

• Daily newspaper
• Complimentary admission gift set
• Separate lounge for family members and guests
• Sofa-bed for accompanying person
• 2 sets of 32-inch flat screen cable TV with remote control (multi-lingual programmes including English, Malay and Chinese)
• Microwave oven
• Mini fridge
• Telephone. On this phone you are able to make: Calls within the hospital, local calls (for a fee) and long distance calls (for a fee).
• Personal nurse call system
• Electronically adjustable bed
• Bathroom with hot water heater
• Free WiFi service

Firus & Delima Suites
• Daily newspaper
• Complimentary admission gift set
• Separate lounge for family members and guests
• Sofa-bed for accompanying person
• 2 sets of 32-inch flat screen cable TV with remote control (multi-lingual programmes including English, Malay and Chinese)
• Microwave oven
• Mini fridge
• Telephone. On this phone you are able to make: Calls within the hospital, local calls (for a fee) and long distance calls (for a fee)
• Personal nurse call system
• Electronically adjustable bed
• Bathroom with hot water heater
• Free WiFi service

Kristal Suites

• Collapsible bed for accompanying person
• 2 sets of 32-inch flat screen cable TV with remote control (multi-lingual programmes including English, Malay and Chinese)
• Microwave oven
• Mini fridge
• Telephone. On this phone you are able to make: Calls within the hospital, local calls (for a fee) and long distance calls (for a fee)
• Personal nurse call system
• Electronically adjustable bed
• Bathroom with hot water heater
• Free WiFi service

Executive Deluxe Rooms

• Television for your viewing with bedside remote control and speaker
• Telephone. On this phone you are able to make: Calls within the hospital, local calls (for a fee) and long distance calls (for a fee)
• Personal nurse call system
• Electronically adjustable bed
• Bathroom with hot water heater
• Free WiFi service