Profil Dokter
dr. Aaron Lim Boon Keng adalah Dokter Ortopedi. Dokter lulusan dari Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons FRCS (Edinburgh) dan Academy of Medicine Malaysia AM ini menguasai Bahasa Inggris, Mandarin, dan Melayu. Beliau juga menamatkan studi Master of Surgery in Orthopaedic MCh Orth (Liverpool) Gold Medal, Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery, MBBCh, BAO (Ireland) Honours, dan Licentiate in Medicine and Surgery of the Society of Apothecaries, LMSSA (London).
dr. Aaron Lim Boon Keng praktik di Island Hospital. Beliau dapat memberikan pelayanan dan konslutasi medis seputar ortopedi, termasuk:
- Ligament tears of the knee joint
- Osteoarthritis of the knee joint & cartilage regeneration
- Shoulder-related injuries
- Sports Medicine with Physiotherapy & Rehabilitation
- Regenerative Therapy with Stem Cells
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